
i don't understand your ways, and perhaps i never will
i can't see past these scars of mine
these bruises and scabs still waiting to be healed

i'll never understand the way you love me
how you could see past my blood-stained scars
to see in me an undeserved worth and beauty
or how you could pursue me as i stumble in the dark

it's so hard to be still and find you in the silence
to trust you've got it all under control
it's so hard when i feel like i'm riding a fence
waiting on you to push me, to watch me fall and then soar

you're taking me down the road less travelled
the steps laid out before me are few
and in this haze i question if all will be well
can i find your hand in the midst of it, do i follow after you?

so grant me an unyielding hope
pour out Your grace like rain
shower Your love and fill to the outermost
this heart, this soul, to You may self be slain

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